Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1

First Visits to the Middle East Recorded

Santa is making great time, heading south to make his first visits to the Middle East. We are receiving reports from Oman that Santa has already delivered there. Santa has also been on the phone recently with some of us discussing his…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1

Georgia Reports a Merry Christmas

Hearts are merry in Tblisi at this time as Santa has arrived there in the past few minutes. And yes, the sleigh was repaired in Murmansk. So that issue is taken care of. As we reported a little while ago, Europe got all excited to see…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1

Santa Surprises with a Move West

Shocking trackers around the world Santa has shifted his focus north and far west to Murmansk in the past few minutes. We don't know if this has something to do with the minor sleigh repair that Santa ordered or if there is a special delivery…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1
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Tiny Russian Villages Report Santa

Santa Claus is making his way through more remote and frozen areas of interior Russia at this hour. He is moving fast and covering a lot of ground. According to Elf Quinton, Santa's sleigh had a runner that got chipped when it landed…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1
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Santa Delivers Deep into Russia

Santa is in Oral at the moment, visiting Russian homes and families anxious for his delivery. Santa loves this part of the world. We are starting to hear reports of some sort of damage to Santa's sleigh. It isn't serious but a sleigh…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1

Afghanistan Says Santa is There

Santa is now in Afghanistan, where he enjoys far more popularity than people think. Santa especially enjoys visiting military units deployed to Afghanistan. He likes to take mail from Moms and Dads serving and deliver them later to kids…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1

Karachi Reports a Merry Christmas

Santa Claus is now in Pakistan and making folks merry there. Sleigh spotters in Karachi just reported Santa's position moments ago. Bedtime warnings for far Eastern Europe are starting to come in. Santa is relaying from the sleigh his…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1
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Sri Lanka Reports!

Santa is in Sri Lanka and steadily heading west. Hearts are merry there according to all the reports I am seeing. Elf Hugo reports that Santa's mailroom is now looking for mail directing from stockings, a version of mail to Santa known…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1
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India Reports Santa in the Skies

Santa is in India now as several cities there have already reported a Merry Christmas. Meanwhile, Elf Agent X in the last hour has sent out a notification of a need for more secret spies -- elves-in-training, we call them -- to help…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1
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Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas

Santa has moved south to Bangladesh as his Christmas flight continues. The C-team is now powering the sleigh and speeds are once again at a high level. Meanwhile, at the North Pole it appears the work of the Workshop and the Wrapping…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1
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Santa Heads into Siberian Interior

Santa is back in the cool of Siberia and he's now relieving the B-team of reindeer that have served him so well the past several hours. This all-girl team led Santa on an epic ride through North Korea that will be talked about at the North…
Bangladesh Reports a Merry Christmas 1

Malaysia Reports a Merry Christmas

Santa is moving a little slower -- probably due to tired reindeer -- but he is still making good time and doing quick work in Malaysia. It is Christmas Eve in Europe and kids there are wanting to know exactly when Santa will be there.…