
Far South America Continues to Report

Santa has stayed in South America and several large cities and small villages have reported a Merry Christmas. Santa loves the Latin America culture. The weather is warm but so too are the hearts of the people. Santa says more food is…

Santa Storms Through South America

Parts of Uruguay and Argentina are seeing Santa at this time as Santa is making fast work of South America. Having a fresh team of reindeer and his eye on a new speed record, Santa is riding like a man possessed. Up at the North Pole…

Rio de Janiero Reports Already!

Wasting no time, Santa has already moved on to South America and now we are receiving reports for Rio de Janeiro. We thought for sure Santa would be there in Iceland for a while if just to enjoy a moment of rest. After all, he's been…
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Iceland Reports!

Iceland is a tiny country but they have big hearts and they love Santa. Santa is there right now delivering. He is also changing out the reindeer and leading the sleigh team once again is Rudolph, out in front of Dasher, Dancer, Prancer,…

Western Europe Finally Welcomes Santa

Spain, Portugal, Ireland and other areas of Western Europe are finally reporting a Merry Christmas after Santa delayed delivering there for a little while because not all kids were yet in bed. They finally made it and now the happy reports…

Several Locations in Europe Awaiting Santa

For those left in Europe awaiting Santa: go to sleep. He won't come unless you nod off. Santa is still in Cape Verde, taking a bit of a break that was not planned. There is a reindeer change coming in Iceland but that might have to wait…

Cape Verde Reports a Merry Christmas

Cape Verde, of the west coast of Africa, is reporting a Merry Christmas at this time while many locations in Europe are still awaiting Santa's visits. Santa has taken an unusual approach to Europe this year, making fast work of Switzerland…

Santa Spotted in London

Multiple reports coming from London now suggest that Santa is in the UK and making progress there. Meanwhile, anticipation is building in the U.S. and Canada as kids there are writing last minute wishlists at a record pace. Elf Hugo…

France Welcomes Santa

Cities, towns, and villages in France are reporting a Merry Christmas at this hour. Santa is quickly moving through the countryside there as we speak. Meanwhile, Mrs. Claus has sent a message to Santa asking him if she should meet him…

South Africa Celebrates a Merry Christmas

Santa is covering all of South Africa at this moment. We have received many happy reports of his visits there in the last few minutes. We are also learning of another group of kids in Bristol, UK conspiring to kidnap Santa Claus. These…

Western Africa Reports a Merry Christmas

Santa is making his was through Nigeria and Ghana at this time, having pushed south out of Europe after making quick work of Germany and Switzerland. Looking forward there continues to be concerns all over North and South America. Santa…

Santa Storms Through Switzerland, Germany

Holy smokes -- Santa wasn't kidding! Cities, towns and villages all over Switzerland and Germany are reporting a Merry Christmas -- in fact, the reports are coming in so fast we cannot keep up with them. Santa is making fast work of this,…