
Christmas Eve Day Dawns in Samoa

Over on Kringle Radio the news guys have made mention that Christmas Eve day is now dawning in the South Pacific. In fact, many more areas of the world crossed the line into Christmas Eve day in the past hour. We track things early because…
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More Reindeer Summoned to the North Pole

We have just received word that more reindeer have been summoned to the North Pole. Santa has had Elf Victor reach out to elves working at reindeer ranches around the world to send out the word that every available reindeer need to report…
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Elves Worried They Won’t Finish in Time

Despite all the good news of the past several hours there is still an air of pessimism at the North Pole at this hour. Some elves are feeling they just won't get done what needs to be completed before Santa takes off. It is a common…
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North Pole Airlift Beats the Blizzard

The weather is holding at the North Pole at this hour. Even though the winds are high and a little dangerous at times sleighs are easily getting off the ground. We are told that aircrews are rushing things because they know conditions…
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Santa’s Workshop Still Hard at Work

Santa's workshop has all the lights on and they are workng at this hour like mad. It is something of a tradition now for Santa's workshop to keep producing even for hours after Santa has left the North Pole. In fact, now that the reindeer…
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South Pole Checks in to Back Up Santa

Most people don't know about it but Santa has a tiny crew working at the South Pole too. They do a lot of work to support Santa's flight even though they don't have the teams of elves and the equipment there like the North Pole does. But…
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Don’t Expect Speed Records from Santa’s Sleigh

Flight analysts are predicting a steady pace from Santa this year but they don't expect him to break any speed records. They say that because the reindeer have been gone all year Santa will have to take it easy on his flight because there…
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World Cheers Santa

Santa has announced plans for an early launch and with the reindeer back the North Pole Post Office is being flooded this hour with well wishes for Santa. It appears that children everywhere are getting excited for Santa to come! Santa…
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North Pole Braces for Epic Blizzard

Nobody cares much what the weather is like at the North Pole except on a day like this -- when Santa launches for Operation Merry Christmas. Suddenly everyone cares. Now, you must realize that Santa and the reindeer are used to facing…
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Nations Clear Air Space for Santa

One of the jobs at the tracking center has actually been a work in progress now for months -- working with the countries around the world to make sure the skies are clear for Santa. The world always has some air traffic out there. Santa…
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Concerns About Santa’s Low Tech Sleigh

Now that things appear to be on track for Santa's flight -- except for the weather -- there are some elves here at the North Pole 2nd guessing Santa and the use of his old fashioned sleigh this year. If you'll recall Santa built the…
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Tracking Center Plots Flight Path

Some of the greatest debates of Christmas take place in the tracking center here at the North Pole. There are giant maps, computers and radar equipment over there but the most important part of the whole operation is actually a big conference…