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Eastern China Celebrates Christmas

Santa has moved on fast to Eastern China, where he continues to work very, very quickly. As we told you a while ago we expected those extra sleighs that were used in North Korea as decoys for Santa to be returning to the North Pole.…

South Korea Reports a Merry Christmas

Santa has moved on to South Korea and folks there are very happy. We are awaiting word from the Tracking Center for the full story of what happened in North Korea. We expect sleighs that were serving there as decoys to show up here soon…
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North Korea Reports a Wild Christmas

Unbelievable news coming from North Korea. Santa is there and he is delivering! Seven sleighs are in the skies there and Santa himself is in one of them. He is moving at incredible speed and is making quick work of the North Korean countryside.…
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Japan Says Santa is There

Wild, happy reports of Christmas are coming from all over Japan at this moment. Santa has been there! Santa continues to move at speeds never before seen. This new team of reindeer is powering the sleigh at record speeds. In country after…

Soloman Islands Report a Merry Christmas

Santa has dipped south yet again in an amazing burst of speed. The Soloman Islands report a Merry Christmas while we receive continued weird reports coming from North Korea. Have you heard the latest over on Kringle Radio? I'll try to get…

Santa Sends Bedtime Warning for ADULTS in North Korea

Well this is weird. Santa is over land at this hour pushing deep into Siberia, visit Yakutsk. But all the news is about North Korea where Santa has just sent another bedtime warning -- this time to ADULTS in North Korea. Santa is not…
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Guam Reports!

Guam is reporting a Merry Christmas at this moment as Santa and team have shot back north in a blazing display of power and speed. Santa is moving faster than ever. The eyes of the world, however, are on North Korea and what Santa may…
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Speed Record Falls as Santa Visits Australia Again

WOW! Santa is scorching hot as he speeds the sleigh back down south again, visiting Australia almost as I type this. The tracking center is reporting that Santa has just broken a speed record in his rush to get back to Australia. I asked…
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Santa Changes Reindeer and Sleigh in Vladivostok

A quick visit to Vladivostok has made people there very happy where it is Christmas morning for them. And it is also a temporary home for Santa's reindeer, who will be resting there for a while. Santa has changed reindeer, driving now a…
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Hobart Gets A Visit from Santa

Santa continues to work in Australia at this time, we recently heard from the city of Hobart. Santa pretty much has no where to go but north right now. He could head into Indonesia or perhaps shoot back up to Siberia, or maybe even towards…

Santa Sighted in Sydney

We are receiving lots of reports from Sydney, Australia that Santa has been there. In fact, all over the east coast of Australia we have unconfirmed reports coming in of Santa's merry visits. According to my historical charts here in…
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Port Vila Says Santa is There

Like a shot Santa has returned to the South Pacific and is in Port Vila right now, just south of the Soloman Islands and north and east a bit of Australia. "This looks weird on a map," Elf Quinton admitted, "But it is a smart strategy.…