San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Canadian Northwest Say Santa is There

Santa is in deep Canada once again, visiting territories of the North West. Folks are very happy there to welcome him. Santa reports that the reindeer really love this place in the world and frequently come here in the winter months after…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Vancouver Reports!

Santa has stayed on the coast, visiting Eureka, Portland, Seattle and now Vancouver in the past couple of minutes. Santa loves the view from the coast line and he reports it looks especially beautiful there tonight. Hawaii --…
Santa Visits California 1

Santa Visits California

Los Angeles, Fresno, Bakersfield and all the way up the coast beyond San Francisco is reporting a Merry Christmas at this time. Musicians in Sacramento are playing on the roof of a building near the Capitol to welcome Santa. Santa is moving…
Texas Reports a Merry Christmas 2

Texas Reports a Merry Christmas

Santa has finally made it to the great state of Texas, visiting Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio in the past few minutes. Folks there were beginning to feel a little left out and we don't know yet from Santa why he waited so long to deliver…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

San Diego Welcomes Santa

Santa is back in the USA and is visiting at his first stop in California in San Diego. Folks there have welcomed Santa by making sure all their cars are parked in the garage for tonight and leaving all the driveways clear for him to land…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Mexico Reports a Merry Christmas

Mexican villages, cities and towns are reporting a Merry Christmas at this time as Santa has taken another turn to the north. He continues to work very quickly and it appears his run at a record will be successful unless something really…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Central America Welcomes Santa Again

Santa Claus has returned to Central America and is visiting Managua, Panama and parts of Southern Mexico. Santa has hit some rain in the area but he says it is not serious, though it has made things a little bit muggy. Travel weather looks…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Santa Sighted All Over the American Southwest

Phoenix, Las Vegas and several other points of the vast American Southwest deserts are welcoming Santa almost as we speak. In the tiny town of Mesquite, Nevada Santa nearly hit a casino sign that was out of service for the night. He didn't…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Salt Lake City Welcomes Santa Claus

Buzzing the lights in the trees over Temple Square tonight Santa has descended on Salt Lake City and the Wasatch Range, visiting homes from the Idaho border south over the past few minutes. Santa came in fast and low over the Great Salt…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

US Rocky Mountains Welcome Santa

Reports are coming in from Cheyenne, where it is cold and very windy, that Santa Claus has been there. Indeed, we're tracking Santa all over Wyoming, Montana, Colorado and even parts of Northern New Mexico right about now. Obviously Santa…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Edmonton Reports Santa’s Arrival

Dog walkers out late in Coronation Park report seeing the streak of light moments ago first in Edmonton and traffic on the Yellowhead Trail Highway slowed down when it happened. Yep, that's Santa folks. Chances are that he's moving so fast…
San Diego Welcomes Santa 3

Calgary Reports!

Back to Canada Santa has travelled and he's now blanketing the city of Calgary as we speak. Santa has some family that lives in Calgary -- bet you didn't know that -- and we're wondering if he'll spend a little extra time there. Santa loves…