Elves Decorating
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Elves in a Decorating Frenzy

Hi all! Tis the season for decorating at the North Pole. You would think Christmas decorations are up all the time and in some places they are. But not everywhere. North Pole Village actually has an ordinance against that during certain…
Santa Update
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4 Months Until Christmas

Hi everyone! Today marks the 4 month mark until Christmas. Only four months until Santa flies! Unbelievable! You wouldn't believe how much is happening now at the North Pole -- even with Santa and Mrs. Claus heading out on vacation. Santa,…
6 Months Until Christmas 2
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6 Months Until Christmas

Hello, Merry Christmas and Happy Leon Day! It is now only six months until Christmas. It’s Leon Day weekend here at the North Pole and elves here could not be more excited. Leon, of course, is “Noel” spelled backwards so today…
50 Weeks Until Christmas 3

50 Weeks Until Christmas

Hi Everyone! There are now just 50 weeks left in our countdown to Christmas! It's that crazy? Now, I know it seems like Christmas was just a few weeks ago. But honestly, even here at the North Pole, Christmas cannot come again fast enough.…