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45 Weeks Until Christmas

45 Weeks Until Christmas 1

Howdy ho, friends. Today marks just 45 weeks until Christmas!

Countdown to Christmas

It’s Valentines Day time – and that means lots of weirdness at the North Pole.

Yeah, we pretty much celebrate it like everyone else does. Elves get pretty gooey about stuff like this.

I will be honest with you. It’s hard being a girl elf at Valentine’s Day.

That’s because boy elves are so weird. If they give you a Valentine, and you so much as smile and say “thank you”, they think it means you’re crazy about them.

There’s this one elf who works in the Sleigh Department. I know he likes me and I’ve known for a long time. Girls just know these things. Whenever I get around him he acts all nervous and stutters.

Pretty normal, right?

Well, Valentine’s Day just makes him the worst.

He gave me a nice card and I smiled and said “thank you”.

Then he sent me cookies. And flowers. And balloons. And surprise gifts on my porch. And a singing telegram to my office – to my office where Mrs. Claus is right next door.

She came out when she heard the telegram lady singing “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” while I was at my desk working on stuff.

“Oh, this is getting serious, huh?” Mrs. Claus said.

NO. There’s nothing serious about it because of that clod sends me so much as a dead weed next I’m going to blast him into next week.

With a smile and a thank you, of course.

In any event I cannot WAIT for Valentines to be over so we can get back to work that elves should be doing.

Like listening to Santa. Santa has a big message for elves and I thought he was going to hold a chat to talk about it but I guess not now. I talked to Elf Ernest about it, you know, just trying to get the details and now it appears Santa is just going to write a message. I dunno.

But I do know this: Elf Crash Murphy is scheduled to give a chat to tracker elves on the 17th. He wants to hear their feedback about Christmas Eve last year.

So, Elf Crash yes, and Santa no, I guess.

I mean, I don’t know. Santa’s office has been mighty quiet since the first of the year. I see a lot of people go in there, spend a long time talking with Santa, and then come out very serious.

Santa’s not handing out Valentines, I suppose.

Elf Trixie

1 reply
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Hi Elf Trixie. Happy Valentine’s Day! I wonder if you received a Valentine from another elf too. My country is the opposite. Boys only wait to receive chocolates, and girls are busy choosing one or more from many chocolates that come to my country from around the world, lol. I’m curious about what Santa gave to Mrs. Claus. And also what Santa and each elf talked about.
    I’m looking forward to chatting with Elf Crash and the elves soon! XD

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