Tracker Elves
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
More Tracker Elves Wanted

International Director of Santa Trackers, Elf Crash Murphy, has published today an invitation to believers everywhere to become elves by tracking Santa for Santa.

“It’s not an emergency but an invitation,” Elf Crash Murphy said. “The tracker elf program is strong, but we want to make it stronger by developing more tracker elf talent in more places through out the world.”

The program, which is free to believers anywhere and administered over at, aims to help Santa by providing real-time information to North Pole Flight Command that helps Santa get around the world on Christmas Eve.

“Trackers not only follow Santa’s progress,” Elf Crash explained. “They work for months in advance of Santa’s flight to share important information that helps him deliver at Christmas. They report on local conditions such as the weather or the space available for Santa to land the sleigh. We inspect chimneys and rooftops, we are Santa’s eyes on the ground and we send in information about anything locally going on that Santa needs to know.”

For more information about the Tracker Elf Program, listen to the North Pole Radio news report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star

1 reply
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you for Harold! Yeah, I hope many new nicer elves come to the community! And I’d be happy if we could help Santa to fly around the world on Christmas Eve together! Thank you, Elf Frank and Elf Crash! I’m looking forward to hearing the next podcast! XD

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