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5 Months Until Christmas

5 Months Until Christmas 1

Greetings, friends. Five months remain in our countdown to Christmas and we have much news to share.


First of all, if you didn’t catch it, the test flights of Santa’s sleigh begin tomorrow. That is great news for Tracker-Elves-in-Training. I understand there will be a live map of those flights over at SantaTrackers.net, for those elves who have access.

With that announcement we have been receiving a lot of questions about the reindeer. I think the big misunderstanding comes from the difference in the reindeer we have seen here at the North Pole in recent weeks. They are not Santa’s main reindeer. They are test flight reindeer.

And those reindeer are actually no longer here. They have taken off for South America, at a reindeer ranch Santa has there in Argentina. They will be working in Sector 4 on the first test flights this next week, you see.

So there really are not a lot of reindeer at the North Pole right now. Santa’s main reindeer – you know, Rudolph and Donnor and the rest – are still in their homelands and are not really due back to the North Pole until some time in September or October. We will let you know when that happens.

We are getting a lot of requests for pictures of the reindeer and I promise I will talk to Santa about that.

Every department at the North Pole is in full production now. Elves everywhere are hard at work.

There is a high level of energy. Elves always like to be busy but this year feels “better” to many of them. That is what I am hearing. Of course, like many of you, things have been very different the past several years. So some elves are saying that it feels good to be “back to normal”.

The North Pole Health Department is one of the very busy departments right now, for sure. They are testing elves regularly and doing everything they can to get all of us to practice good health. We wash our hands a lot, cover our mouths when we cough and get checked all the time for fevers or other signs of sickness. There are signs up everywhere to report any kind of sniffle or symptom of sickness.

Santa talks about elf health in our meetings every week.

So while things are “back to normal”, I guess you could say a lot of elves are working to keep it that way.

On another note, I want you to know we have a lot of school teachers reaching out to us right now. Many are wanting to track Santa and to get special North Pole news and information for their upcoming classes this year. We are trying to accommodate all of those requests. If you are a teacher with needs like that, we encourage you to contact us soon.

The last chance to chat with Santa and Mrs. Claus before the Christmas season is TODAY, Sunday, July 25th – right here in North Pole Chat. Thought you needed to know that. If you want to ask a question before the chat, just use this page.

Five months may seem like a long time to you and Christmas may still feel far away where you are. But here at the North Pole Christmas is in full swing. And there’s a lot of Christmas spirit so far. It’s going to be a great year!

That’s it, friends! Keep in touch – the news of Santa and Christmas is just beginning for this year!

Elf Ernest

1 reply
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Hi Elf Ernest! Thank you for sharing the news. It’s less than 5 months sounds so faster! Test sleighs are in the sky around the south of Santiago, Chile, now. I hope they are going well and getting a lot of weather reports from the elves. I’m so glad that things are “back to normal” and the elves care for themselves healthier. I hope both Santa’s and test fright reindeer are good too. I’m curious about what teachers and students want to learn about it too. Thank you for the last North Pole Chats. It was fun and fabulous a lot. Hopefully, we could read the recap of answering questions they sent too. Thank you again; Christmas spirits are getting covered worldwide, and I hope people have a very merry healthy Christmas this year. Keep in touch! ^^

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