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6 Months Until Christmas

6 Months Until Christmas

There are six months until Christmas and that means it’s Leon Day!

6 Months to Christmas

Actually, there are 48 hours to the celebration of Leon Day. It is June 24th and June 25th – both are equally important in the countdown to Christmas.

We are pleased to see that Leon Day is getting more recognition around the world. Lots and lots of people countdown to Christmas and even more are celebrating Christmas during June 24th and June 25th, as well as celebrating Christmas in July.

The North Pole, of course, has had this tradition for decades and decades. Counting down to Christmas, as you know, is kind of our favorite hobby. Our entire world here at the North Pole revolves around counting down to Christmas.

So what’s it all like here at the North Pole?

Well, it’s kind of a silly day in many ways. Some call it April Fool’s Day for Elves. That’s because it is a day of pranks, of walking and talking backwards, of decorating for Christmas and doing any silly little thing we can think of to mark the halfway point to Christmas.

I know one of the things some elves are planning for today is a snowball fight. Or, a mudball fight if they can’t find any snow. Elf Crash Murphy is one of the biggest pranksters at the North Pole and I have it on good authority that has has a special freezer in his garage dedicated to snowballs he has made during the year and saved up for the big snowball fight.

As usual, the event is a bit messy.

One year they tried to hold the fight in the Community Center at North Pole Village but Mrs. Claus put an end to that because of the mess it made and the damage it did. All snowball fights now have to be held outside. And there are some rules in place now too. You have to engage “in bounds” if you are going to participate, which means the event is held on a special field with marked off barriers. They don’t want any bystanders or passers-by to get hit by flying snowballs, you see.

There are usually 300 to 400 elves who get involved in this and it’s quite the messy affair. But with all the new rules it usually ends up a happy, if messy, event.

But there are literally hundreds of events large and small going on — all of it fun and Christmas related.

For example, Elf Judy is going to hold a workshop and homemade eggnog. She had to move it to the high school cafeteria because so many elves signed up for it.

Leon Day also marks an kind of end to the elf vacation period. I know Elf Trixie talked about how quiet the North Pole has been the past several weeks but that has changed big time. There are elves everywhere.

In fact, the shops are all busy, the community calendar is full, the streets are packed and every North Pole Department is cranking up production. The busy season for elves is about to begin.

But that does not mean we won’t be having fun. Christmas in July is serious for fun at the North Pole and we’ll be telling you all about it in the weeks ahead.

In fact, we’ve got chats lined up this weekend with experts and newsmakers who will preview some of the events of the weeks ahead.

So it’s a good time to be here.

We hope you join us for the fun!

Elf Ernest

1 reply
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you, Elf Ernest, for this and for chatting with us last weekend! It was a fantastic time, and I laughed a lot too. I learned many things about Leon Day and “pranks” from you, Elf Ernest; that is my new word, lol. Oh, I never have drink eggnog yet too. I wonder how the taste is. I’m curious how Santa, Mrs. Claus, and elves had funny things there, and I want to see or try to join the snowball fight together someday. I’m looking for seeing y’all again Christmas in July soon! XD

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